“Do I believe that God is who He says He is?” Just about every one of us goes through a time in our lives where we genuinely ask this question. For me, this is not one of those times. A second question, assuming the first to be yes, is “do I believe that His promises are true?” This is a question I am wrestling with right now.
I propose this question not just to myself alone, but to all of those who call on Christ as Lord. I began pondering this question several weeks ago while sitting in the upstairs nursery at the Children’s Home I often visit while here in Manila. As I was seated with a cute little twenty-pound ball of joy in my lap I began to pray over the children in the room. They were simple prayers such as “Lord let this child know your love” and “may they grow up and be a voice that proclaims Your name among their people.”
At some point while I was praying I stopped mid sentence and said “Lord, do you even here what I’m saying?” He said “yes, of course I do.” So I continued “then Father, do the prayers that I pray matter to you?” And this was His response to me as I listened to my Father’s voice. “Son, every time you speak to me, every moment you intercede on behalf of my people I hear you. No matter how small a prayer or how simple it may be, I hear it and take it very seriously. Every prayer you have ever uttered, whether you remember it or not I have heard and I honor.” (read Mark 11:24)
As He said this to me I realized that I do not take my prayers seriously enough. I honestly believe that if we as the church of Christ would take every little word we utter to the feet of the Father in belief that what we have to say is important to Him then we would see our worlds radically changed as He honors the cries of our heart. Therefore, I ask, “Do I believe that every prayer I bring before the Father truly matters?” May the Spirit of God continue to challenge me in this at every moment of every day until I realize that every word I bring before Him is of more importance than anything else I could possibly do.(1 Thess. 5:17)
Another question I have is “do I believe that what God promises in His word is true?” If so then my life is about to drastically change. Let’s simply consider a few of God’s promises to His people (us). He promises to supply our every need (Phil. 4:19). He has promised that His grace is enough for us (2 Cor. 12:9). He promises to give us a way of escape through every temptation (1 Cor. 10:13). He promises that everything will work out for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28), (not meaning that life will every be easy). He promises eternal life with Him (John 10:27-28). The list goes on and on for 66 books.
My point here is “do I believe these promises?” I know this is a very simple, elementary question but I’m not so sure we are putting our full trust in what Christ has promised us. Do I trust that He will really supply me EVERY need today, or that His grace is abundantly more that enough for this sinful man. This means I do not have to fear or walk in shame ever again. Is that my reality?
This blog has been quickly put together and is not the most organized writing I have posted but I wanted to get this out of my system, sooooooo there J.